Credit and Using An Expert

Credit and Using An Expert

I have been in the credit/finance business for 15 years. The interesting thing I come across on an on going basis is the emotions and feelings that my clients have when it comes to addressing their credit challenges and questions given the current circumstances in their financial life. I listen to their shame, guilt, fear, and self-berating dialogue and I have asked myself why do they feel that way?


In this current financial environment, people are going through a lot of different money and credit challenges that they have not faced before. The stress of the economy has been a challenge and puzzling to many, even those who know what to do about their money and finances. Since we all can use help throughout our financial life at one time or another, even the so called experts, I would like to take this medium to share some information that they may be of help when it comes to credit for the individual and the family at large.

It is important that I give real life, specific examples to those who read this information, so I will share as I have experienced first hand for myself as well as examples of past client situations that I have coached from start to finish. One of the first things that is discussed is: how did we get to this current financial status and what were the circumstances that have lead us to this point in time? It is important that the client has time to say out loud what has transpired and the steps that were taken or ignored or avoided in their journey to calling me to assist them. This way I am able to really understand how they were feeling and have them hear themselves say out loud what actually happened.

This step alone has had clients take a look at how they have been behaving and thinking, so we both can help them clearly see what is in the way of them getting to the core of what the solution can be to their particular money problem or credit challenge at that moment. Sometimes, clients are very sad, upset, and angry ; when they realize that the big bad wolf is not that scary after all! This is my job as their credit coach, counselor, and advisor.

Just like anything in our life that is important to us, we may choose to hire an expert, for example: a weight loss coach, physical/personal trainer, accountant, and or a tutor. These focused support experts can be beneficial to us when we need to receive an outside, unbiased professional to take a look at what we have been doing in these areas of our life and tweak and or change where it may be necessary for us to be at our best! As an advisor/coach/counselor it is not my job to judge. I am here to assist and share my experience, credentials and education in the most supportive way possible; which will get you positive results as we work together!

I look forward to addressing your future questions and concerns regarding your credit and financial challenges and curiosities without anyone feeling any negative emotions, so we can move forward to a prosperous, abundant life together! Peace and Be Well!