Is Good Credit Essential to Good Living?

Is Good Credit Essential to Good Living?

The average consumer can no longer afford to pay cash for basic necessities, let alone expensive items. Whether it be a car, a home, a boat, or a college education, the majority of times, these items must be financed, and this takes credit.

Good credit is convenient even when it is not essential. It is inconvenient and dangerous to walk around with large amounts of cash. Good credit, on the other hand, is invisible, weighs nothing and if managed properly, is instantly available. With good credit, you gain the confidence of having the means to handle emergencies. Good credit, in one word, is POWER!

Good credit measures your financial worth, reflects your financial progress, defines your character, and paints a picture of how others view your future prospects. Good credit also creates the financial leverage you need to borrow the money you need to build even more wealth. Lenders also see good credit as collateral, and they will finance you based upon that collateral.