Should You Lend Money?

This is a reoccurring topic that comes up while I am coaching my clients; lending and giving away money to friends, lovers and relatives that are able-bodied adults.

Remember to hold yourself in the highest regard. I am sharing my guidelines for sharing money with people in your lives

1. Make sure you are debt free
2. Make sure all your bills are paid
3. Make sure you have your emergency fund fully funded.
4. Make sure your retirement account is funded at the maximum.
5. Make sure you have your hobbies and fun life funded
6. Make sure you have your slush fund.

Once all of that is in place,😊 you may choose to help others; without guilt or burden.

I had to learn this lesson the hard way.

Glad I now can make choices that honor and respect me first, and foremost. 2020 is a new decade. Time to make the choices that work for the life you want to live. Abundance to all😁.